Phillip Jauregui |
Phillip Jauregui, born January 9, 1970, serves as the organizer for the Judicial Action Group, a 501(c)4 Non-Profit Organization working towards judicial renewal and an agenda to address judicial activism. He also operates the Jauregui Law Firm, representing various clients ranging from small business to individuals to former Chief Justice Roy Moore. He manages and administrates all aspects of the firm business. In June 2005, he began serving as an organizer for a new national grassroots education and lobbying organization, Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration, Inc. which is dedicated for the next generation to stopping judicial supremacy. He also manages all aspects of the business.
Jauregui has experience in constitutional law, governmental policy, national non-profit work and coalition building. He worked in the judicial branch as law clerk to Chief Justice Perry O. Hooper, Sr., of the Alabama Supreme Court. He served the executive branch as Assistant Legal Advisor to Alabama Governor Fob James.
In the courtroom, Jauregui worked as attorney for Chief Justice Roy Moore during his legal battle over the public display of the Ten Commandments in Montgomery, Alabama. He has served the national non-profit realm as Executive Director of the Judeo-Christian Council and in the coalition building venue for ValuesVoter.Org, which coordinated over fifty national ministries on a common legislative agenda: the “Values Voters” Contract with Congress”. ValuesVoter.Org was created to serve America’s largest voting block and Jauregui serves on its board of directors along with Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum, Rick Scarborough of Vision America, Alan Keyes of the Declaration Foundation, Manuel Miranda of the Third Branch Conference, Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council, Aryeh Spero of Caucus for America, Andrea Lafferty of Traditional Values Coalition and Janet Folger of Faith 2 Action.
Additionally, Jauregui is a past and current participant in the Values Action Team of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, chaired by Senator Sam Brownback and Congressman Joe Pitts, respectively.
Jauregui is a member of the Alliance Defense Fund (Honor Corps and Allied Attorney). Since 2005, he has been a member of Prison Fellowship – Alabama Council, and serves on the Board of Directors with Sav-A-Life.
Appearances have included Fox News, Hannity & Colmes, CNN’s Paul Zahn Now, CNBC’s Capital Report, ABC’s Good Morning America and various television and radio shows. His legal work has been featured in publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and Joyce Meyer Ministries Publication, “Enjoying Everyday Life” magazine.
CNN Interview Transcript
Faith In Action Article
Phillip Jauregui Law Firm Bio Page
New York Times Article
Judicial Action Group (JAG)